What Filipino Women Really Think of Foreign Men
In the current age of social media and the internet, it is incredibly easy to meet Filipino women from halfway across the world. That might be why interracial couples are becoming more common and accepted.
While some people may think that interracial dating is strange, the truth is that it might be the most natural thing in the world. Love will be love, and at an essential level, this is an experience of two individuals from different backgrounds and cultures falling together because they love one another. Some people believe that interracial relationships don’t work, but as you can see, Filipino women dating foreign men are debunking that myth. At the point when you date somebody, you date all that made them who they are, including their way of life and ethnicity.
It isn’t easy to deal with assumptions when dating someone who isn’t of your race. Though dating someone from a different culture and history comes with its own set of challenges, if you go into it with your mind and heart wide open, you can face them together and grow stronger.
Thanks to technology, emails, the internet, and social media, it is easier than ever to meet new people. Online dating sites like TrulyFilipino also play a significant key in Filipino women searching for a genuine relationship with foreign men. If you’re a foreign man looking for an insider’s view on what Filipinas think of foreign men, keep reading, and we’ll help you out!
How Filipino Women Perceive Foreign Men
1. Foreign Men Are All Wealthy

This is definitely not true. The majority of foreign men are ordinary people who work proper jobs to feed themselves and their loved ones. Some people may think that Filipina women are only interested in wealth because the men they pick are old and ugly, but that is just another misconception. Filipino women date foreign men of all looks and ages because all foreigners are attractive to a Filipina.
The explanation why foreign men are considered wealthy has to do with the average Philippine family’s income. In the Philippines, a daily income of US$10 is regarded as a decent wage, so if you earn more than that, you’re considered wealthy. In reality, having only one car makes you wealthy. Filipino women are not egotistical. A Filipina would date a foreign man for a variety of reasons, including supporting her family, looking after herself, raising kids, and responding to the needs of her future partner.
A Filipina’s desire to date a wealthy man stems from her financial aspirations. Education’s important to her, but it’s expensive. She may also want to start a business and would need the financial backing of a wealthy partner. These are practical concerns, but they aren’t the main reasons why Filipino women would date a foreigner.
2. Foreign Men Appreciate Commitment
Many Filipino girls get their first boyfriends at a young age. The Philippines has a high rate of teen pregnancy. It is mostly because young couples are not given proper education about how to keep themselves safe as they engage in intimacy. If you’re a Filipino woman growing up in the Philippines, you’re likely to know a lot of people from your childhood forced to abandon their dreams just to take care of their children.
So, as those same girls grow older and wiser, they see a growing number of Filipinas with foreign partners who are happy and have strong, fulfilling relationships. This creates the illusion that Filipino women finding a foreigner would provide a better life.
Certainly, some Filipino men make wonderful partners and husbands, but the assumption is that foreign men are better. Men in the Philippines seem to embrace this concept and even encourage young women to seek a foreigner. The men are self-assured and do not appear to be intimidated when foreigners date local Filipino women.
A middle-aged or older foreign man’s likely to be divorced, widowed, or in the process of leaving a bad relationship. He’s grown up and no longer wants to play games. This is why he wishes to date a Filipina lady. He’s learned a thing or two about relationships and is ready to commit to the right woman. Or it could also be a foreign man traveling to the Philippines and looking to settle down with a genuine partner. For many of those foreign men, a Filipina is an ideal woman.
3. Foreign Men Will Be Welcomed Into The Family

Foreigners who marry into the Philippine family are welcomed. Having a foreign man in the family confers social prestige as well as practical benefits. When a foreigner marries into a Philippine household, he becomes one of the clan’s wealthiest members. When their children are hungry or in need of medication, poor relatives would ask for a loan or a charitable donation.
There will be better off relatives who need assistance starting a business, going to school, or traveling to a job abroad – Filipinos have ingrained in their society the belief that traveling abroad is the only way to make a fortune. Many foreigners who marry Filipino women are confronted with these demands, and they often still want to support them.
There are no financial requirements for family acceptance. Helping the family is a voluntary principle in the Philippines that’s traditionally required but not requested of a man from another culture. A Filipino woman and her family are both contents with foreign-born children. In the Philippines, all babies are adored, but a child born to a Filipino woman and her foreign husband is held in high regard and given red carpet treatment.
4. Foreign Men Are Affectionate And Generous
Filipino women are among the world’s most romantic women. These ladies are firm believers in romance. They are jealous partners who will give everything and seek everything in exchange. When a Filipina meets her foreign boyfriend, she will accompany him everywhere, following his lead and guide him if he gets lost.
It doesn’t take long for a Filipina to learn to trust her foreign partner. Philippine society places a lot of importance on romance and love, so you definitely need to impress her. You do not, however, need to impress her with lavish presents.
Filipino women are known for being respectful and down-to-earth, and they will be grateful for everything you give them, no matter how little. What matters to them is how much thought you’ve put into it and how much she means to you. A Filipina devotes her entire love and trust to a single man. A foreign man who finds this certain love is extremely fortunate.
5. Foreign Men Will Not Cheat

It’s a misconception to categorize all foreign men into the same group, but Filipina women believe this idea. It’s normal for a woman to think you’re a very special guy if you’re willing to cross an ocean to be with her. Filipino men have a reputation for being promiscuous.
Filipina women adore their partners and refuse to share them. The thought of a foreign man traveling such a great distance for her generates a romantic fantasy of foreign men who won’t cheat on her. By marrying a Filipina woman and remaining loyal to her, you will help preserve the tradition.
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6. Foreign Men Are Incredibly Handsome
Another thing to keep in mind is the Philippines’ beauty standards. Filipinos admire skin that’s fair and white. To obtain a whiter skin tone, most Filipino women utilize bleaching products and whitening treatments. Another beauty standard that Filipinos live up to has a tall nose. Back then, parents would even pull the bridge of their kid’s nose. They assume that by doing so, the kid’s nose would grow taller.
As you might have noted, Filipinos have a unique ideal of beauty. Some speculate that it has something to do with the nation’s colonial mentality. Filipinos of Spanish or American ancestry used to have higher social upbringing generations ago. This concept is still alive and well in modern Filipino culture. This is why most Filipino celebrities have Caucasian features rather than Filipino characteristics. This is also one of the reasons why Filipinos look up to these features and consider this a beauty standard.
If this describes you – fair and white with a long nose – Filipino women will undoubtedly adore you. As previously mentioned, Filipinas find all foreigners attractive. If you’re lucky enough to marry, keep in mind that a baby with a combination of Filipino and foreign blood will be the most adored child in the household, and will undoubtedly grow up to be a beautiful woman or handsome man.
In Conclusion

Foreign men appeal to Philippine women on cultural, financial, and romantic levels. Almost every young Filipina woman fantasizes about dating a foreigner, and it’s a romantic notion that Philippine culture embraces. People treat foreign men so well in the Philippines that many of them never leave.
And although there may be stereotypes about why Filipinas date foreign men, this should not hinder you from finding your genuine love with a Filipina. Just keep looking, and you’ll inevitably find the right Filipina woman for you. You may also sign up for TrulyFilipino and look for your perfect match there!